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Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers | Respiratory Therapist, Certified | Educational in Rhode Island

DefinitionThe focus of patient and family education activities is to promote knowledge of disease process, medical therapy, and self help. Respiratory therapists are uniquely qualified to provide this service in regard to cardiopulmonary diseases and injury.
GroupingRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
ClassificationRespiratory Therapist, Certified

Health providers classified as Educational in Rhode Island

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2278C0205XCritical Care
2278E0002XEmergency Care
2278G0305XGeriatric Care
2278G1100XGeneral Care
2278H0200XHome Health
2278P1004XPulmonary Diagnostics
2278P1005XPulmonary Rehabilitation
2278P1006XPulmonary Function Technologist
2278P4000XPatient Transport
2278S1500XSNF/Subacute Care