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Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers | Respiratory Therapist, Registered | Emergency Care in Brooklyn, New York

DefinitionThe immediate availability of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiopulmonary services in the assessment and management of trauma victims, patients requiring airway management and others requiring emergency care.
GroupingRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
ClassificationRespiratory Therapist, Registered
SpecializationEmergency Care

Health providers classified as Emergency Care in Brooklyn, New York

Ms. Joanna Portee 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York
Jennefie John 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York
Carole Bichotte 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York
Mr. Joseph Lambert 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York
Benita Joseph KINGS COUNTY HOSPITAL CENTER, Brooklyn, New York
Oswald Murray 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York
Nicole Gathers 451 CLARKSON AVE, Brooklyn, New York

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2279P1004XPulmonary Diagnostics
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2279S1500XSNF/Subacute Care