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Suppliers | Pharmacy | Mail Order Pharmacy in Desoto, Texas

DefinitionA pharmacy where pharmacists compound or dispense prescriptions or other medications in accordance with federal and state law, using common carriers to deliver the medications to patient or their caregivers. Mail order pharmacies counsel patients and caregivers (sometimes independent of the dispensing process) through telephone or email contact and provide other professional services associated with pharmaceutical care appropriate to the setting. Mail order pharmacies are licensed as a Mail Order Pharmacy in the state where they are located and may also be licensed or registered as nonresident pharmacies in other states.
SpecializationMail Order Pharmacy

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3336C0002XClinic Pharmacy
3336C0003XCommunity/Retail Pharmacy
3336C0004XCompounding Pharmacy
3336H0001XHome Infusion Therapy Pharmacy
3336I0012XInstitutional Pharmacy
3336L0003XLong Term Care Pharmacy
3336M0003XManaged Care Organization Pharmacy
3336N0007XNuclear Pharmacy
3336S0011XSpecialty Pharmacy