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Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Pathology | Neuropathology in Cleveland, Ohio

DefinitionA neuropathologist is expert in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system and skeletal muscles and functions as a consultant primarily to neurologists and neurosurgeons. The neuropathologist is knowledgeable in the infirmities of humans as they affect the nervous and neuromuscular systems, be they degenerative, infectious, metabolic, immunologic, neoplastic, vascular or physical in nature.
GroupingAllopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Health providers classified as Neuropathology in Cleveland, Ohio

Dr. Prabha Murthy 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Dr. Nadia Kaisi 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Rosemary Farag 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Gregory Maclennan MD 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Dan Cai MD 2500 METROHEALTH DR, Cleveland, Ohio
Dhanlaxmi Desai 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Mark Cohen 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Beverly Dahms 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Jay Wasman 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio
Wei Xin MD 11100 EUCLID AVE, Cleveland, Ohio

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