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Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers | Respiratory Therapist, Registered | Patient Transport in Brooklyn, New York

DefinitionTransport respiratory therapist provide patient assessment, initiation of treatment modalities and continued monitoring of patient status of the critically ill and injured patients with special attention to advanced airway and ventilator management. The transport respiratory therapist knowledge and experience with complex neonatal, pediatric and adult patient care issues provides them with an expertise to assist with any patient care issue in a variety of transport modes.
GroupingRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
ClassificationRespiratory Therapist, Registered
SpecializationPatient Transport

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2279C0205XCritical Care
2279E0002XEmergency Care
2279G0305XGeriatric Care
2279G1100XGeneral Care
2279H0200XHome Health
2279P1004XPulmonary Diagnostics
2279P1005XPulmonary Rehabilitation
2279P1006XPulmonary Function Technologist
2279S1500XSNF/Subacute Care