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Suppliers | Pharmacy in Tamuning, Guam

DefinitionA facility used by pharmacists for the compounding and dispensing of medicinal preparations and other associated professional and administrative services. A pharmacy is a facility whose primary function is to store, prepare and legally dispense prescription drugs under the professional supervision of a licensed pharmacist. It meets any licensing or certification standards set forth by the jurisdiction where it is located.

Related specializations

3336C0002XClinic Pharmacy
3336C0003XCommunity/Retail Pharmacy
3336C0004XCompounding Pharmacy
3336H0001XHome Infusion Therapy Pharmacy
3336I0012XInstitutional Pharmacy
3336L0003XLong Term Care Pharmacy
3336M0002XMail Order Pharmacy
3336M0003XManaged Care Organization Pharmacy
3336N0007XNuclear Pharmacy
3336S0011XSpecialty Pharmacy