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Technologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers | Specialist/Technologist, Other | Surgical Technologist in Tennessee

DefinitionSurgical technologists are allied health professionals, who are an integral part of the team of medical practitioners providing surgical care to patients. Surgical technologists work under the supervision of a surgeon to facilitate the safe and effective conduct of invasive surgical procedures, ensuring that the operating room environment is safe, that equipment functions properly, and that the operative procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety. Surgical technologists possess expertise in the theory and application of sterile and aseptic technique and combine the knowledge of human anatomy, surgical procedures, and implementation tools and technologies to facilitate a physician's performance of invasive therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.
GroupingTechnologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers
ClassificationSpecialist/Technologist, Other
SpecializationSurgical Technologist

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