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Adelphoi Village

ADELPHOI VILLAGE official legal name ADELPHOI VILLAGE is located at 1119 VILLAGE WAY, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. ADELPHOI VILLAGE primary taxonomy is Psychologist in the state of Pennsylvania.

Organization Legal NameADELPHOI VILLAGE
Address 11119 VILLAGE WAY
Postal Code15650

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
103T00000X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersPsychologist
2084A0401X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansPsychiatry & NeurologyAddiction Medicine
2084F0202X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansPsychiatry & NeurologyForensic Psychiatry
2084N0400X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansPsychiatry & NeurologyNeurology
2084P0005X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansPsychiatry & NeurologyNeurodevelopmental Disabilities
251K00000X AgenciesPublic Health or Welfare
251S00000X AgenciesCommunity/Behavioral Health
261Q00000X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/Center
261QM0801X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/CenterMental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center)
261QM0855X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/CenterAdolescent and Children Mental Health
323P00000X Residential Treatment FacilitiesPsychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

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