Ali N Shaikh Llc
ALI N SHAIKH LLC official legal name ALI N SHAIKH LLC is located at 21851 CENTER RIDGE RD, Rocky River, Ohio. ALI N SHAIKH LLC primary taxonomy is Cardiovascular Disease in the state of Ohio.
Organization Legal Name | ALI N SHAIKH LLC |
NPI | 1386837276 |
City | Rocky River |
State | Ohio |
Address 1 | 21851 CENTER RIDGE RD |
Address 2 | #109 |
Postal Code | 44116 |
Phone | 4408951555 |
Fax | 4408951557 |
Related medical specializations
Taxonomy ID | Grouping | Classification | Specialization |
207RC0000X | Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Internal Medicine | Cardiovascular Disease |
207RH0005X | Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Internal Medicine | Hypertension Specialist |
207RI0011X | Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Internal Medicine | Interventional Cardiology |
207UN0901X | Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Nuclear Medicine | Nuclear Cardiology |