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Anastasios Pelias, M.d.,pc

ANASTASIOS PELIAS, M.D.,PC official legal name ANASTASIOS PELIAS, M.D.,PC is located at 1731 SEAGIRT BLVD, Far Rockaway, New York. ANASTASIOS PELIAS, M.D.,PC primary taxonomy is Vascular Surgery in the state of New York.

Organization Legal NameANASTASIOS PELIAS, M.D.,PC
CityFar Rockaway
StateNew York
Address 11731 SEAGIRT BLVD
Postal Code11566

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
2086S0129X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansSurgeryVascular Surgery
208G00000X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansThoracic Surgery (Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery)

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