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Aza United

AZA UNITED official legal name ARIZONA AUTISM UNITED, INC. is located at 5025 E WASHINGTON ST, Phoenix, Arizona. AZA UNITED primary taxonomy is Behavior Analyst in the state of Arizona.

Organization Legal NameARIZONA AUTISM UNITED, INC.
Organization Other NameAZA UNITED
Address 15025 E WASHINGTON ST
Address 2SUITE 212
Postal Code85034

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
103K00000X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersBehavior Analyst
2355S0801X Speech, Language and Hearing Service ProvidersSpecialist/TechnologistSpeech-Language Assistant
235Z00000X Speech, Language and Hearing Service ProvidersSpeech-Language Pathologist
251C00000X AgenciesDay Training, Developmentally Disabled Services
251S00000X AgenciesCommunity/Behavioral Health
252Y00000X AgenciesEarly Intervention Provider Agency
253Z00000X AgenciesIn Home Supportive Care

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