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Bnl Medical Office Pllc

BNL MEDICAL OFFICE PLLC official legal name BNL MEDICAL OFFICE PLLC is located at 13939 35TH AVE, Flushing, New York. BNL MEDICAL OFFICE PLLC primary taxonomy is Exclusive Provider Organization in the state of New York.

Organization Legal NameBNL MEDICAL OFFICE PLLC
StateNew York
Address 113939 35TH AVE
Address 2CBF
Postal Code11354

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
302F00000X Managed Care OrganizationsExclusive Provider Organization
302R00000X Managed Care OrganizationsHealth Maintenance Organization
305R00000X Managed Care OrganizationsPreferred Provider Organization
305S00000X Managed Care OrganizationsPoint of Service

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