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Brent C. Lin, Dds Inc

BRENT C. LIN, DDS INC official legal name BRENT C. LIN, DDS INC is located at 39236 ARGONAUT WAY, Fremont, California. BRENT C. LIN, DDS INC primary taxonomy is Endodontics in the state of California.

Organization Legal NameBRENT C. LIN, DDS INC
Address 139236 ARGONAUT WAY
Postal Code94538

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
1223E0200X Dental ProvidersDentistEndodontics
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1223P0221X Dental ProvidersDentistPediatric Dentistry
1223P0300X Dental ProvidersDentistPeriodontics
1223S0112X Dental ProvidersDentistOral and Maxillofacial Surgery
1223X0400X Dental ProvidersDentistOrthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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