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Clearview Center Inc.

CLEARVIEW CENTER INC. official legal name EQUINOX INC is located at 95 CENTRAL AVE, Albany, New York. CLEARVIEW CENTER INC. primary taxonomy is Counselor in the state of New York.

Organization Legal NameEQUINOX INC
Organization Other NameCLEARVIEW CENTER INC.
StateNew York
Address 195 CENTRAL AVE
Postal Code12206

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
101Y00000X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersCounselor
104100000X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersSocial Worker
2084P0800X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansPsychiatry & NeurologyPsychiatry
261QR0405X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/CenterRehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder

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