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Community Options, Inc.

COMMUNITY OPTIONS, INC. official legal name COMMUNITY OPTIONS, INC. is located at 4220 S PADRE ISLAND DR, Corpus Christi, Texas. COMMUNITY OPTIONS, INC. primary taxonomy is Respite Care, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities in the state of Texas.

Organization Legal NameCOMMUNITY OPTIONS, INC.
CityCorpus Christi
Address 14220 S PADRE ISLAND DR
Address 2SUITE 114
Postal Code85405

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
385HR2060X Respite Care FacilityRespite CareRespite Care, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities
251B00000X AgenciesCase Management
320900000X Residential Treatment FacilitiesCommunity Based Residential Treatment Facility, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities

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