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Diamond Adult Day Care

DIAMOND ADULT DAY CARE official legal name DIAMOND ADULT DAY CARE is located at 225 DEVONSHIRE RD, Lynchburg, Virginia. DIAMOND ADULT DAY CARE primary taxonomy is Home Health in the state of Virginia.

Organization Legal NameDIAMOND ADULT DAY CARE
Organization Other NameDIAMOND ADULT DAY CARE
Address 1225 DEVONSHIRE RD
Postal Code24501

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
251E00000X AgenciesHome Health
261QA0600X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/CenterAdult Day Care
347C00000X Transportation ServicesPrivate Vehicle
385H00000X Respite Care FacilityRespite Care

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