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George Kostohryz, Jr., M.d., P.a.

GEORGE KOSTOHRYZ, JR., M.D., P.A. official legal name GEORGE KOSTOHRYZ, JR., M.D., P.A. is located at 4625 BOAT CLUB RD STE 257, Fort Worth, Texas. GEORGE KOSTOHRYZ, JR., M.D., P.A. primary taxonomy is Otolaryngology in the state of Texas.

Organization Legal NameGEORGE KOSTOHRYZ, JR., M.D., P.A.
CityFort Worth
Address 14625 BOAT CLUB RD STE 257
Postal Code76135

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
207Y00000X Allopathic & Osteopathic PhysiciansOtolaryngology

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