Organization Legal Name | THE METHODIST HOSPITAL |
Organization Other Name | HOUSTON METHODIST HOSPITAL |
NPI | 1548387418 |
City | Houston |
State | Texas |
Address 1 | 6565 FANNIN ST |
Postal Code | 77210 |
Phone | 7137903311 |
Hospital Reference | 1559513 |
Facility ID | 450358 |
Address 1 | 6565 FANNIN |
City | Houston |
State | Texas |
Hospital Type | Acute Care Hospitals |
Phone | (713) 790-2221 |
Emergency Services | 1 |
Meets criteria for promoting interoperability of EHRs | 1 |
Hospital overall rating | 5 |
Safety of care national comparison | Above the national average |
Readmission national comparison | Above the national average |
Patient experience national comparison | Above the national average |
Effectiveness of care national comparison | Same as the national average |
Timeliness of care national comparison | Below the national average |
Efficient use of medical imaging national comparison | Below the national average |