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Lessons From Horses, Inc.

LESSONS FROM HORSES, INC. official legal name LESSONS FROM HORSES, INC. is located at 2765 GREEN TREE LOOP, Chaparral, New Mexico. LESSONS FROM HORSES, INC. primary taxonomy is Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) in the state of New Mexico.

Organization Legal NameLESSONS FROM HORSES, INC.
StateNew Mexico
Address 12765 GREEN TREE LOOP
Postal Code88021

Related medical specializations

Taxonomy IDGroupingClassificationSpecialization
101YA0400X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersCounselorAddiction (Substance Use Disorder)
101YS0200X Behavioral Health & Social Service ProvidersCounselorSchool
261QR0405X Ambulatory Health Care FacilitiesClinic/CenterRehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder

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