Manti Parcial
MANTI PARCIAL official legal name MANTI PARCIAL is located at CARR 2 KM46.1 BO. CAMPO ALEGRE, Manati, Puerto Rico. MANTI PARCIAL primary taxonomy is Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) in the state of Puerto Rico.
Organization Legal Name | MANTI PARCIAL |
NPI | 1215185517 |
City | Manati |
State | Puerto Rico |
Address 1 | CARR 2 KM46.1 BO. CAMPO ALEGRE |
Postal Code | 73914 |
Phone | 7878540001 |
Fax | 7878540030 |
Related medical specializations
Taxonomy ID | Grouping | Classification | Specialization |
261QM0801X | Ambulatory Health Care Facilities | Clinic/Center | Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) |