Mdics At Bon Secours Llc
MDICS AT BON SECOURS LLC official legal name MDICS AT BON SECOURS LLC is located at 2000 W BALTIMORE ST, Baltimore, Maryland. MDICS AT BON SECOURS LLC primary taxonomy is Hospitalist in the state of Maryland.
Organization Legal Name | MDICS AT BON SECOURS LLC |
NPI | 1679868848 |
City | Baltimore |
State | Maryland |
Address 1 | 2000 W BALTIMORE ST |
Postal Code | 21061 |
Phone | 4103623000 |
Fax | 4103623010 |
Related medical specializations
Taxonomy ID | Grouping | Classification | Specialization |
208M00000X | Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians | Hospitalist |