Regions Hospital
REGIONS HOSPITAL official legal name REGIONS HOSPITAL is located at 640 JACKSON ST, Saint Paul, Minnesota. REGIONS HOSPITAL primary taxonomy is General Acute Care Hospital in the state of Minnesota.
Organization Legal Name | REGIONS HOSPITAL |
NPI | 1629006457 |
City | Saint Paul |
State | Minnesota |
Address 1 | 640 JACKSON ST |
Postal Code | 55101 |
Phone | 6512543456 |
Related medical specializations
Taxonomy ID | Grouping | Classification | Specialization |
282N00000X | Hospitals | General Acute Care Hospital | |
283Q00000X | Hospitals | Psychiatric Hospital | |
291U00000X | Laboratories | Clinical Medical Laboratory | |
324500000X | Residential Treatment Facilities | Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility |
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Marlene Kiester CNA
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Thomas Ellis
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Mrs. Sharon Stocker
Stephanie Dupaul CNA
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Monica Bultena
Daniel Levie CNA
Elaine Brey
Cathy Manley
Lauren Forner
William Moss CNA
Mrs. Jennifer Paulsen CNA
Delsey Sieg
Ms. Tina Locke CNA
Mrs. Patricia Makowski CNA
Alison Brisbin
Kelly Anderson
Cheryl Schmitt CNA
Diane Voelker-huhn CNA
Kathryn Westby CNA
Wendy Sims CNA
Carol Zerfas CNA
Robert West CNA
Cathleen Mckinney CNA
Ingrid Bentley
Christine Bogie
Michael Zwank MD
Tracie Kinney CNA
Milton Bayne CNA
Mary Scheider CNA
Wendy Schemmel CNA
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Tonya Harty