Suzanne M Smith, Dpm, Pa
SUZANNE M SMITH, DPM, PA official legal name SUZANNE M SMITH, DPM, PA is located at 3136 HORIZON RD, Rockwall, Texas. SUZANNE M SMITH, DPM, PA primary taxonomy is Podiatrist in the state of Texas.
Organization Legal Name | SUZANNE M SMITH, DPM, PA |
NPI | 1336317486 |
City | Rockwall |
State | Texas |
Address 1 | 3136 HORIZON RD |
Address 2 | SUITE 120 |
Postal Code | 75032 |
Phone | 9724121347 |
Fax | 9724631185 |
Related medical specializations
Taxonomy ID | Grouping | Classification | Specialization |
213E00000X | Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers | Podiatrist |